

Student life during high school is not just a complement to academics; it is an integral part of a student's educational journey. 它提供了个人成长的机会, 技能发展, 社会关系, and self-discovery that are invaluable in shaping well-rounded individuals who are prepared for the challenges of adulthood.

At 的西区, a students high school experiences starts with student life. A few reasons student life can foster a healthy high school experience include:

  • 归属感:归属感: 加入社团, 团队, or other student organizations can help students feel a sense of belonging and connection to the school community. This can have a positive impact on their mental and emotional well-being.
  • 不同的经历: Student life provides opportunities for students to explore a wide range of interests and activities, 从体育和艺术到俱乐部和社区服务. 这种多样性有助于学生发现他们的激情和才能.
  • 大学和就业机会: Colleges and universities often look for well-rounded students who have been actively involved in high school activities. 除了, the skills and experiences gained through student life can be valuable in the college application process and later in a student's career.


The second Pep Rally took place in November, highlighting and honoring our winter sports 团队. The student council is busy during this time of year preparing for the following events:


Sadie Hawkins is a semi-formal girls-ask-guys dance that was full of dancing, disco, Mr. 和其他有趣的活动. This year's theme was a very groovy at the Disco Ball 赛迪·霍金斯舞蹈!
Mr. 的西区
男学生可以报名参加奥巴马的竞选. 的西区 leading up to the crowning, which happens during the Sadie Hawkins dance. Mr. 的西区 is a talent contest where each contestant receives points throughout the week for competing in a variety of humorous acts. 除了, the final day of voting occurs after the pep assembly where Mr. 的西区 finalists perform one last time in front of the whole student body and their families. 这是指他们每个人唱一首歌,或者跟着一首歌跳舞. 
The finalist will then be featured at the Sadie Hawkins event and one is crowned Mr. 的西区. 祝贺2024年的冠军,小格迪·斯宾塞.


We will kick the night off with a family tailgate event from 5-6:30pm. The entire family is invited to this event where 的西区 will be providing some grilled hot dogs and chips for free until they are gone. Be sure to bring your own dinner, sides, and dessert, and maybe some to share with those around you. 不能把酒带到后挡板...这不是那种车尾派对. 停车位有限,先到先得. 我们要求家长们不要来得太早,预留名额...我们确实想让这个家庭保持友好.

PowderPuff is an event where females are able to participate in flag football (by grade) and the males participate as cheerleaders. 仪式将于下午6:30开始,然后在晚上7点开始. 我们会有中场表演,拉拉队,还有优惠! 一定要多带几层衣服,以防天气变冷. 







我们的第一次动员大会取得了巨大的成功. 我们都很喜欢我们的啦啦队节目 & Stuco's hard work as they created an entertaining rally highlighting and honoring our fall sports 团队.
我们在学习STUCO时度过了一段美好的时光 & cheer dance that was performed at the Rally for our student body under the effects of the black lights. I think it's safe to say those who participated had a great time and good laughs. let =发光鹰.
We are now ready to head into fall and enjoy our Fall Fest Dance at Sauvie's Island.  现在该把法兰绒拿出来了, kick up your boots for a fun time as we enjoy our annual Fall Fest at the pumpkin Patch. 大家在那里见. 


Students took a break from the classroom to enjoy reuniting with old friends, 结交新朋友, 并在校园里参加许多不同的活动. Student were also able to choose amazing eats from two different food trucks. To top it all off - students were surprised with a truck dedicated to a yummy ice-cream cookie.


Our Senior class was able to participate in some of the excitement on campus before leaving for their retreat at Canby Grove Conference Center for the weekend. This was a sweet time of students leading each other as a handful of staff got to watch the students interact all together as a class. The time of worship which was led by students was beautiful and a sweet weekend of simply unplugging and fellowshipping together. 

老年人花点时间来捕捉这段记忆. Seniors look forward to this time as juniors in anticipation for their senior year. This retreat is an important way to start their senior year and many seniors returned feeling differently about their senior year.

老年人静修是一次让人耳目一新、增进感情的经历. I think that spending time outside of school with my senior class was amazing, 你可以感受到每个人之间的联系. 这也是一次精神上的体验, 我很高兴能够帮助带领敬拜, just watching and listening to everyone worship with such a passion for Christ made me so happy and left me completely amazed at how God was moving throughout the whole time at retreat.




和我们一起去俄勒冈高尔夫俱乐部参加舞会吧! 晚会从下午6:30开始,一直持续到晚上10点.

  1. 我需要一个舞伴来参加舞会吗?
    No! 你可以一个人来,也可以结伴而行,或者和一群朋友一起来!
  2. 我可以带别的学校的人来吗?
    Upperclassmen will have the chance to bring someone from a different school. 这些名额有限,先到先得! 查看您的电子邮件了解更多细节. 
  3. 我们在舞会上吃晚餐吗?
    是的,你知道! 这里将提供无麸质和无乳制品的住宿. 细节如下:
    - farfall, Alfredo, Fresh Herbs 
    -甜点:新鲜出炉的饼干 & 布朗尼 
  4. 我们要怎么穿去舞会?
    舞会是一个正式的活动. 这意味着女孩应该穿长衣服, formal dresses and boys should wear a tux or dark suit typically paired with a tie or bowtie. 
    有着装要求. 详情请参阅学生手册.
  5. 我们在舞会上做什么?
    The evening will consist of socializing, taking photos (including a photobooth!),晚宴,舞会国王和王后的加冕,当然还有跳舞!


Powdertuff, one of our newer events at 的西区, is on Thursday, April 6th! 准备好迎接欢笑、竞争和一个充满乐趣的夜晚吧!
The boys form volleyball 团队 by class and are coached by our very own volleyball girls! We have faculty participate through reffing, announcing and scoreboard. 出来给我们的学生加油!




Friday, March 24th from 1:50pm-2:30pm we will have our annual talent show in the auditorium.



新生- 3月18日星期六下午6点至8点在兰格斯

二年级学生- 3月18日星期六下午6点至9点在Bullwinkles

青少年- 3月18日星期六下午6点至8点@ WCHS

高年级学生- 4月4日星期二上午10:30至下午12点@ DEFY 





什么是Valo-gram?! Well… you can write a note that will be attached to a beautiful flower and delivered to the person during class! 

学生会将于13号星期一出售Valo-grams. 第二天就会送到,情人节!  把爱传播出去,买一个Valo-gram!


5/13/23 -作者:Ashley Ames
4/6/23 -作者:Ashley Ames
3/24/23 -作者:Ashley Ames
3/18/23 -作者:Ashley Ames
2/14/23 -作者Ashley Ames



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